


La educación infantil se considera parte de lo que se llama educación de primera infancia en Estados Unidos. Los primeros dos años de Kindergarten son K1 (3-4) y K2 (4-5), donde proporcionamos un curriculum integral que fomenta el desarrollo de niños, les anima a comunicarse, a colaborar, a crear y a crecer en el pensamiento crítico. 

K3 es un año fundamental dedicado a que los niños se acostumbren a las rutinas del colegio, al proceso de aprendizaje y enfoque así como a las habilidades sociales involucradas en hacer nuevos amigos. Es un año crucial para construir las bases del aprendizaje.

Los "Learning Centers" permiten que los niños sean independientes

Favorece a que los niños se relajen. Jugar reduce la tensión porque los niños no tienen que preocuparse por las exptectativas.

Los centros de aprendizaje permiten a los niños investigar, explorar y descubrir cosas nuevas y a conectar conceptos que ya conocen.

Fomenta que los niños sean ellos mismos y puedan expresarse de manera natural, más cómodos con el entorno.

Promueve que los niños aprendan las cosas a través del punto de vista de otra persona, trabajando juntos para crear y construir.

Los centros de aprendizaje ayudan a los niños a correr riesgos sin miedo al fracaso. Lo importante y esencial está en el proceso y no en el resultado.

Facilita que los niños sean autodisciplinados, explorando a su manera y dirigiendo su propio aprendizaje.

Why they are important


15 min. in one center & rotate to next center


Focusing on their skills "contributes positively to the learning experience"


Individualized instruction. Provide meaningful and prompt feedback. Better evaluate student progress

Curiosity & Motivation

Experiment, Investigate & Explore

Interactive Experiences

Open-ended activities, Hands-on exercises & Sensorial creativity


Focus by subjet, engagement & Guided play

Cognitive Development

Comprehension, Memory & Application

Strategy & Skills

Planning, Problem-solving & Decision-making


– Arrival
– Morning Activities/Learning centers
– Morning snack and recess
– Activities
– Lunch
– Resting Time
– Afternoon Activities
– Afternoon snack and recess
– Flexible dismissal (16:15 to 16:45)

*Activities: Learning centers, Art, Physical Education, Music


During Learning Centers your child will have a chance to learn independently, one-on-one with the teacher or as a group. Our centers are play-based activities focused on the standards we are working on at that moment.

The teacher will explain and guide these activities while your children learn new concepts as they work on social skills, learn how to get along with others, share and interact in small groups.


Atlas ASM follows an American curriculum that focuses on age- appropriate challenging content. The Preschool sequence provides model guidelines of fundamental competencies to build coherent foundations for later learning in higher grades and beyond. It outlines a cumulative progression of knowledge and skills in all areas and integrates  developmentally appropriate practices for both content and instruction.


We divide the school year into 2 Semesters. You will get a full report on your child’s progress every semester and, we will send a progress report every 7 to 9 weeks. On these reports, we will be showing you your child’s scores based on continuous evaluation. You can talk about these results or your child’s progress, in general, at any moment with your Homeroom teacher. We will let you know of there are any areas your child needs to work on at that time and give you tools to help with the process.


You will be receiving a newsletter at the beginning of the month informing you of upcoming events and activities we did that week and things you can do at home with your child to better enhance their learning. We have an online agenda to inform daily about your child’s school experiences by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom through photos, videos, and messages. With the app, we can also share interactive games, activities, and teacher-designed videos explaining concepts.


At Atlas ASM we believe that recess allows growing not only academically but emotionally and socially. Giving children a chance to play freely helps them internalize new information as well as compare and contrast what they’re learning with what they already know. It also provides them with the chance to interact with their peers in a more natural setting and to solve problems on their own. In Preschool, children will have two recess times, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Each day your child will receive a piece of fruit at snack time in the morning, then an early lunch will be served at 11:50. The school makes sure the lunch is balanced and healthy. If your children have any allergies they will have a
special place at the table, letting him/her enjoy the company his/her peers. In addition to this, the school will provide a variety of snacks for the afternoon, such as sandwiches, fruit, and yogurt.


After lunch, kids in K1 and K2 will enjoy some time off learning. Rest time is important for little minds to take a break and just calm down. The students are not required to take a nap but they are asked to sit/lie down quietly while listening to a book read aloud or to soft music.
K3 students will engage in calm and quiet activities such as reading books


To avoid allergies, in Preschool we do not allow food in our classes that does not come from our kitchen. If we do involve food in our celebrations, it will always be checked by our Nurse beforehand. For student birthdays you can send a little something (pencils, yo-yo, bouncing balls…) for your child’s friends that we will give out in the afternoon or you can donate a book for the classroom’s library in your child’s name.