University access


University access

As part of our mission, one of our school’s goals is to prepare students to access university, both in Spain and abroad.

Atlas American School students graduate with an American High School degree, which can be validated by the Spanish Baccalaureate degree.  Its validation is an administrative procedure conducted directly by the school, so our students can also access the Spanish university system. It does not require any further examination or any additional tests.

In addition, Atlas American School has received the authorization for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.  For more information on this program: 

Atlas American School also offers an annual SAT preparation course for students considering studying at an American university. Our school is also an SAT exam Center.

Atlas-ASM has a counseling and support service for the selection of universities and their admissions processes. You can check the counseling blog for our students in Aquinas here: College Counselor

Atlas-ASM will have a counseling and support service for the selection of universities and their admissions processes. Students graduate from Atlas American School prepared to continue their education anywhere in the world, pursuing the career path of their choice.

During the the past academic year, this service has been provided by our school in Madrid. You can check the counseling blog for our students here: College Counselor